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Commercial Composting Solutions for a wide range of Organic Waste


​Commercial Composting Solutions for a wide range of Organic Waste

High-efficiency composting of source-separated food only or food and garden organics. Quality compost requires quality inputs: just as “you can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear”, you can’t make quality compost from mixed municipal waste. HotRot offers a system designed to process source separate food waste, with garden organics and other wood wastes added as needed. Solutions are available for a few hundred to 130,000 people, primarily utilising the HotRot 3518 or HotRot 1811.


Turning dewatered biosolids into a useable fertiliser. Sludge or biosolids composting is usually done off-site at a dedicated composting facility, which generally involves significant transport, carbon emissions and costs. HotRot's compact footprint offers an on-site solution and can be coupled with dewatering systems, etc. Solutions for WWTP up to 300,000 population equivalents primarily utilising the HotRot 3518 and HotRot 1811.


Reducing costs and environmental impacts at mine sites and oil and gas projects. HotRot systems have been employed at remote camps in different regions, such as Northern Canada, West Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific. Many sites utilise the HotRot 1811 or HotRot 1206 and can be supported by a dewatering system.


Bespoke small-scale systems to support a circular economy. Easy to operate, small footprint and odour free on-site composting solutions for all organic waste


Compact composting systems for processing organic waste on-site. The ability to compost organic waste on-site and then utilise the compost produced offers Resorts and Hotels the ability to close the loop. This is especially attractive in remote or pristine environments. Many of these applications utilise the HotRot 1206, but we can also offer the smaller Comet, or EcoBot systems.


The HotRot technology is suitable for processing a range of speciality wastes, such as those produced by Breweries and animal processing industries. We also work with a partner who can offer a complete system and business model for the collection and processing of diapers and absorbent hygiene waste. Contact us.


Do you have any more questions about sustainable waste management? 

Amendments & Bulkers 2024

Explores the materials used to adjust the moisture content and porosity of waste, ensuring optimal composting conditions.

Bulker Ratio for Composting Food Waste 2024

Highlights the role of bulkers and amendments in composting food waste, with strategies to minimise their use. Also explains how mechanical dewatering can reduce the size and cost of a composting facility.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction via Onsite IVC

Examines how in-vessel composting (IVC) can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by managing organic waste more efficiently.

Guidelines for Composting Storage and Utilisation 2024

Provides best practices for maturing, storing, and applying compost to maximise its benefits.

Part 1: The Science of Organic Waste Disposal 2024

Compares different organic waste disposal methods and explores how to create a more sustainable waste management solution.

Part 2: HotRot System Summary 2024

A detailed overview of the HotRot system, including its key technical advantages and how it improves composting efficiency.

Part 3: Understanding HotRot 2024

Explains critical composting factors such as aeration, temperature control, particle size, moisture balance, and microbial activity in the HotRot system.

Planning an Organic Resource Recovery Facility 2024

Outlines important factors to consider when establishing a composting facility, including site selection, marketing, and emission control.

Why is HotRot Better? 2024

Details how the HotRot system optimises moisture control, pH balance, and aeration to enhance composting performance.

Why is HotRot Different?

Explores the unique design features that set HotRot apart from other composting systems.


We have also put together a series of documents that might help you decide if HotRot, or indeed composting, is right for you.

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